ContextCapture User Guide

ContextCapture Target Creator

ContextCapture Target Creator is a tool for creating printable targets based on QR codes or compact targets Chili tags and April tags. Targets can be automatically extracted from photos by ContextCapture to automate survey data creation.

Three types of surveys data can be created from target:
  • User Tie Point: : For QR Codes, user should specify a name and an optional description.
  • Control Points (QR Code only): it will be used for automatic rigid registration of the scene if at least 3 of these targets are detected. User should specify a name for the control point. Predefined 3D coordinates with a spatial reference system can be attached for automatic geo-registration. Coordinates can also remain blank and be defined afterwards by the user in the input block using a control point with the exact same name.
  • Constraint (QR code only): it will be used as automatic constraint. There are four types of constraints:
    • Origin: set the Origin (0,0,0) at the middle of the QR point.
    • Scale: set a distance between 2 QR points.
    • Axis: set X, Y or Z axis along the two QR codes.
    • Plane: set X, Y or Z axis along the two first QR codes, and orient the assigned axis along the third QR code.

Note that Axis and Plane constraints cannot be used in the same scene, and two similar constraints cannot be used in the same scene either. For more information, consult the Surveys: Positioning Constraints section.